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May 19 - May 20, 2018

Coos Bay

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Getting to the Red Lion is easy! It is right off of Hwy 101 on Bayshore Drive. From Hwy 101, turn onto Bayshore Drive and you're there! 

Lodging Information

Red Lion Hotel & Conference Center

1313 N. Bayshore Dr. 

Coos Bay, OR 97420

Reservations: Call 541-267-4141 Ext 0 - Use Block Code/Name: THC Fair Vendors or THCF0518

CLICK HERE to book online
Reservations need to be in by: 5/10/2018 Room Rate: Single/Double - $110.00 + 8.8% Tax


There are other hotels in the area possibly with better pricing.  CLICK HERE to see Tripadvisor listings.