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January 21 - January 22, 2017


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Ryan Michael - Booth No.502
DAY: Sunday
TIME: 1:30 pm
West Stage
Marketing your Cannabis Company in 2017

The cannabis industry is ever expanding. New players enter the game every single day. It’s becoming more difficult to set your company apart from the pack. Big investors are circling overhead, & 2017 will be a pivotal year for Oregon businesses. Effective marketing will be the deciding factor in who goes big, and who goes home.

I'll begin by asking two of the most crucial questions you will answer as an entrepreneur. What is the purpose of your brand? Who is your target demographic?

In this seminar, we'll explain why these questions are so important. Then I'll provide suggestions and techniques for cultivating your own unique answers.

Next we’re going to define brand identity and discuss the key components. We will talk about the five senses and their direct relation to the customer experience. Every piece of the puzzle will invoke an emotional response for better or for worse. These will determine the audience you attract.

Sight - Design is the visual representation of your brand. The quality, color schemes, style, typography etc. Conveyed through your website, logo, print materials, banner & more. Here, we will talk about consumer psychology in relation to brand aesthetics.

When combined, the components of a company's identity create Branding Guidelines. These guidelines will assist you in shaping the most effective active marketing strategy.

If time permits, I'll share some information on growth strategy. The internet alone provides endless avenues for free or inexpensive promotion. Which tactics are worth the time & cost? This of course ties back around to the questions we asked at the beginning of the seminar. Bringing everything full circle!