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May 14 - May 15, 2016


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Charles Berg - Booth No.506
Zitavex Labs
DAY: Saturday
TIME: 4:00 pm
Main Stage
Growing a Safe Marijuana Crop

There is not only a growing trend towards legalization of Marijuana in this country, but also a huge push to stopping it.

Federal agencies are stuck in the past when it comes to legalizing Cannabis. Marijuana is still a schedule One drug and the propaganda surrounding it is as old as the anti-marijuana laws themselves. When it comes to legalizing marijuana, the federal government is strictly hands off. This has left the states completely to themselves to make these new laws work.

Since the passage of the first medicinal laws in California, the federal agencies have done everything they can politically to reverse and remove laws the voters have worked very hard to pass. Because the federal government truly believes in its own propaganda, they were sure there would be thousands coming forward with injuries and even deaths related to Marijuana consumption, and with these damaged lives put and end to the laws. Well, I don't have to tell you that this never happened. After over 10 years of one state after the other passing medicinal laws there have been no deaths or serious harm to show how dangerous these laws were: to those trying to remove them.

The federal government isn't finished with its effort to stop legalization, but medically and recreationally. By staying out of the fray, the agencies that would normally be involved in an evolving industry have been kept out. It isn't just the inability to access banks that is causing problems, it is the absence of agencies like the FDA, EPA, DOA and their expertise that is the next step in stopping the spread of Marijuana laws. IF THEY CANT STOP IT POLITICALLY, THEY WILL STOP IT LEGALLY!!

By being hands off, the federal government is setting up legal states for failure. Read the news, listen to those who want these laws to go away, they are still looking for those that have been injured by consuming Marijuana, only now it is through the lack of quality and purity laws, and by propaganda showing us those who were made sick because of the lack of safety in growing a pure, contaminant and pesticide free product.

The news if full of stories of those made sick because they smoked marijuana that was contaminated with molds or fungal infections, or those hurt because they smoked product contaminated with dangerous agriculture products, made to kill molds, fungus and pests.

This hands off policy by the federal government makes it critical for not only the states to step up and ensure product safety, but for growers to be proactive in finding ways to grow a safe crop while at the same time make enough profit to continue.

I will be exploring these issues and hopefully provide answers to growing a safe and abundant crop that will prove these new legalization laws are the right way to go.