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July 23 - July 24, 2016


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Conrad Daley - Booth No.308
High North Organic
DAY: Sunday
TIME: 1:00 pm

The Basics of Home-growing and an introduction to Living Soils

High North Organic Nutrients are the foundation for healthy, robust plants that produce chemical-free, terpene and flavor packed, award winning cannabis. Our nutrients help to feed and sustain the diverse micro-biome in your Living Soil that allows you to simply water your plants without the use of liquid fertilizers, chemicals, and pesticides.  Time and again, our balanced blend of raw nutrients have proven to surpass the best nutrient lines on the shelves today.  We know plants.  We know what they need to thrive, and we want to share it with you, so you can have the absolute best that your plants have to offer 

Trade your preserved liquid nutrients for a simple hand watering can.  Enjoy the time saved by eliminating the need to mix “magic concoctions” of unknown, and toxic, origin.  You will save money by not paying for the preservative filled water which makes up 90% of liquid nutrients.  Let the micro life work for you. You'll love it, and your healthier, more bountiful plants will too!!